Improving lives through
sustainable bioinnovations


Bio-Innovate funded bean consortium working towards increasing productivity, value addition and marketing of the bean crop in eastern Africa

The Bio-Innovate Program held a two-day meeting with the project consortium 3 on ‘value added bean technologies for enhancing food security, nutrition, income and resilience to cope with climate change and variability challenges in eastern Africa’ at the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) complex in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 27-28 June 2012.

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From wastewater to biogas and clean water: How a project consortium is contributing to climate change mitigation through agro-industrial waste water recycling.

Project consortium 5 on ‘integrated process for sustainable agro-process waste treatment and climate change mitigation in eastern Africa’ is a Bio-Innovate consortium project that aims to integrate agro-industrial wastewater treatment with the production of biogas and bio-fertilizer as well as treated wastewater for enhanced agro-processing industrial and agricultural productivity.

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Project 6 makes strides in diversification and commercialization of sorghum and millet value added products.

As part of the monitoring and review exercise for Bio-Innovate projects conducted between May and October 2012, the Bio-Innovate Program Management Team (PMT) traveled to Kampala, Uganda on 29-30 October to review implementation progress made by project 6 on ‘use of biosciences for value addition and diversification to enhance commercialization of sorghum and millet products in eastern Africa’.

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