Improving lives through
sustainable bioinnovations

Cohort 4

Margareth Daudi Lupembe, Tanzania

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Margareth is a research officer and the head of tissue culture laboratory at Tanzania Agriculture Research Institute (TARI) – Mikocheni, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Her research focuses on molecular epidemiology of plant viruses affecting cassava and sweetpotatoes that contributed to the development of diagnostic tools for cassava, sweetpotato and common bean viruses, leading to the commercial production and multiplication of virus free planting materials for cassava and sweetpotatoes through tissue culture techniques. She is also a representative of TARI – Mikocheni workers council.

With her skills in tissue culture, she is passionate about optimizing tissue culture protocols for different crops like sisal, pineapple, macadamia nuts, banana, cassava, potatoes using locally available materials to provide seedlings to farmers at affordable price. Additionally, she has basic knowledge of bioinformatics and supports various projects and university students in bioinformatics analyses.

Margareth holds a master of science degree in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, and bachelor of science degree in Biotechnology and laboratory Sciences from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA).