Kenyan scientists release five new canning bean varieties after sixty-year wait

Beans is the most important source of protein, iron and zinc source for resource poor communities in Eastern Africa. With a growing middle class and steady international market, canning beans has potential to become a major cash crop for farmers. However its production is hampered by lack of high quality seeds.


Turning noxious tannery waste into biogas and reusable water

Presently it is estimated that less than 10% of industries in Eastern Africa treat their industrial and agro processing waste to any degree. This poses a serious health and environmental challenge to the growing population of the region. Bio-Innovate supported scientists across eastern Africa are working on innovative solutions that treat and convert such wastewaterintoenergy, and bio-fertilizer and re-use of the treated water..


Tanzania: Turning factory waste into biogas, fertilizer and water for irrigation

Before the project begun, Banana Investment Limited was considered a bad neighbour just like 90% of factories in Eastern Africa. Read Moreddd

Scientists demonstrate growing of mushrooms and biogas generation from sisal waste

Kenya and Tanzania are the world’s second and third largest producers of sisal, Agave sisalana, with a number of large plantation estates and processing factories. However, this high productivity is accompanied with huge amounts of waste. The sector is considered one of the highest waste sectors.


Delivering clean high yielding sweet potato vines to farmers in Uganda

Sweet potato is the second most important tuber crop in Uganda and haspotential to provide food security to many resource poor rural homesteads, and in particular regions that traditionallyhave poor soils and whose weather partners have become erratic ostensibly due to climate change. Unlike other subsistence crops, it can stay in the ground after maturity for between three to five months, thereby providing food for families for much longer.