On 19-20 May the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) of Ethiopia in conjunction with Bio-Innovate Program convened a two-day regional meeting in Addis Ababa that brought together environmental management regulators, Read more
On 19-20 May the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) of Ethiopia in conjunction with Bio-Innovate Program convened a two-day regional meeting in Addis Ababa that brought together environmental management regulators, Read more
When bio-pesticide experts met in Nairobi recently, their objective was to review regional policy and legislation on biological pesticides, which are emerging as an important option in pest and disease control.
Finger millet is a staple food for South Asia and East Africa where it has been grown widely for thousands of years. The importance of finger millet as one of the solutions to food security cannot be underestimated considering the many uses of the crop in a farmer’s household.
In the eastern African region, it is estimated that only 10% of the existing industries treat their wastewaters to any degree.
1st Scientific Regional Conference
The conference whose theme was “Harnessing Bio-resources Innovations for Socio-economic Transformation of Eastern Africa” assembled scientists, private sector players, policy makers, NGOs and other development practitioners to share successes and challenges of biosciences research and innovation activities in the region.
Horticulture is one of the sub sectors in Agriculture that has shown great promise as a foreign exchange earner in the region particularly for Ethiopia and Kenya.
Over 200 million people in sub-Saharan Africa depend on the bean crop as a primary staple food. Millions of smallholder farmers in this region also rely on the production and sale of beans as the source of household income.
Bio-Innovate was established to primarily catalyze the translation of biological ideas into products and services that can be taken to the market for economic use and address social challenges and consequently improves livelihoods of the people in the eastern Africa region.
It gives me great pleasure to share with you the Bio-Innovate Program annual newsletter. In this issue we are sharing the exciting progress made by the Program in 2013 as well as future prospects of the Program beyond the current implementation phase.